Wednesday, August 01, 2007
is there sadness in letting go of misery?

It is the second day of August, 17 degrees outside, and sunny.
I am sitting in front of my computer.
Actually, I am sitting in front of my computer trying to overcome my writers block as I have an essay due on the 7th with no pages to show for it. As usual, I have procrastinated and only left myself a very busy week to finish the thing.
There is something different about procrastination this time. It is the last essay to finish my required course work in my degree. So why would someone NOT be rushing to the finish line? While I still have a practicum to finish, this current assignment puts to rest several years of course work. Ending school would make any sane person jubilant but not me.
No more courses? That is all I know how to do! This misery that I have been sailing through the past two years is sad to leave behind. Sometimes the change can be scarier than staying in misery. This music and video matches my mood (by the way, nice shoe Tori!)
So with grief in my heart, I wrestle with leaving behind the safe womb of the University and begin to enter the world.