This past year has drawn me into the library at the University of Manitoba, giving me a new relationship with this place. I actually like it here, I feel at home in this library. But what could make it better? Probably a Starbucks. The
U of M Elizabeth Dafoe Library has proposed to hosting the
coffee chain giant in the library by 2008. Perhaps in an effort to make the Elizabeth Dafoe library and its services more appealing to students and draw the masses in, I found others have already chosen this path. This
article on a university trying to use a coffee house to get students back in the library and away from their personal computers seems like a good idea, but will it accomplish what they hope?
Would your favourite coffee chain make you more studious? Would you use the library (university or public) more if you knew that a venti caramel macchiato is ready for you in between reference isles?
// posted by sara jane @