Tuesday, November 28, 2006
if it is not the weather....then it is time for a mix tape

What helps you deal with a mood? You know, that day that never seems to feel right, maybe you are cranky the whole day, maybe sad or lonely, maybe mischievous? What ever it is, it is there and nothing and no one seems to be able to change it. In a discussion today at school, we divided ourselves into two camps: those who want to change any negative moods into something better/positive, and then there was us - the "us-es" wanted to stay fully in what ever we were feeling. We discussed several methods of maintaining our moods. Some of us watched movies that mimic our feelings, some isolate, and some listen to music. That last one is me. I like to wallow in what ever I am feeling by making mix tapes that reflect different moods. I have a mix tape or CD for loneliness, one for anger, one for sorry, one for low self-esteem and a few more that are probably buried in the back of my closet. These tapes (and now CD's) are and were never meant to cheer me up when I have the blues, but to maintain and savour what ever funk I was in. Creepy I know but it is nice to know that there are a good few of us in class that have the same sadistic tendencies.
Sample play list from "a terminal world" 2006:
Lisa Loeb: How
Tori Amos: Gold Dust
Ani Difranco: Swan Dive
Kinnie Starr: Secret Song
Dave Matthews: Spoon
Counting Crows: Raining in Baltimore
Iron and Wine: Gray Stables
Teagan and Sara: My Number
Tori Amos: Tear in Your Hand
Remy Zero: Fair
Ryan Adams: Dear Chicago
Tori Amos: Cooling