Saturday, September 09, 2006
you know you live in winnipeg when... almost get in a car accident three times in one day. Yes, Winnipeg has a negative reputation for many things, bad driving is only one.
The other day as I driving my motorcycle, a mini van which must have failed to shoulder check and sped into my lane. I thought I was going to puke in my helmet it was such a scary close call. I slammed on the breaks and skidded a bit, but managed to stay on. I honked my horn and he gave me a little wave as if to say "no problems right?!" Sorry buddy, that was a big problem.
Other things we as Winnipegers can be proud of besides our bad driving: we are supposedly the murder capital of Canada (per capita of course), we are the slurpee capital of Canada. Oh yeah, and there is a huge syphilis outbreak in Winnipeg/Manitoba! I am proud to be a Winnipeger!