Monday, September 11, 2006
my first day of class

While school here in my neck to the woods officially began September 7, I had my first scheduled class today, September 11. I was happy to be back in school but my emotional state towards beginning classes today was at best described as "slightly positive" with little to no actual "enthusiasm." Oh well, there is always tomorrow.
During my first class as I was surveying the room, it looked to me that there are "classroom personalities." There is the student who takes a minimum of 7 pages of notes each class writing down word for word what the professor is saying. There is that keen girl sitting at the front "umm hmm-ing" and nodding her head at ever point the prof makes, as if she is connected at some spiritual level to the very essences of each specific point the prof makes. There is the computer student, who brings a lap top to each and types out their notes. Then there is my favourite - the question asker. They are the ones who ask questions, not b/c they are eager to learn, but they think that talking in class will make them sound smarter.
This only leads me to wonder, how do people see me in class? Am I the question asker? Do I unconsciously nod my head and smile while I close my eyes as I digest what the prof is saying? What is my classroom personality? I am leaning towards the "underachiever" personality.
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i have had 4 classes. i don't know how i am going to survive this year. i am bored already.
if i had a classroom personality, it would be the 'could we move along a little faster please?' personality, because i can't stand it when profs go so slow an elementary student could understand what they are talking about.
i need to take up sudoku's or something - anything to keep me occupied during these marathon bore-fests.
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i have had 4 classes. i don't know how i am going to survive this year. i am bored already.
if i had a classroom personality, it would be the 'could we move along a little faster please?' personality, because i can't stand it when profs go so slow an elementary student could understand what they are talking about.
i need to take up sudoku's or something - anything to keep me occupied during these marathon bore-fests.
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