Wednesday, August 09, 2006
i am back
*This post in in honour of "Spinster and Lunatic" as she is quite fond of lists*
Wow, it really has been a long time since I have blogged. I have been on a blogging vacation - which really means that I have been working and have not had the time to visit this place.
A few updates:
- I have been working as a Day Camp Director and that is over now.
- I still write in my dream journal, but the entries are becoming less and less, and more and more boring. I am usually a vivid dreamer with lots of content but for some reason, it has really slowed down.
- To supplement the lack of content in the dream journal, I am reading a book called "Personality Types: Jung's Model of Typology" by Daryl Sharp. I know a little about Jung's theories on personality (I vaguely remember finding out I was a EFSJ or something) but I do not know a lot. After reading "The Manticore" by Robertson Davies, reading about the typologies is making The Manticore" come alive in a new way. Perhaps I will meet my "shadow." on this journey.
- I fell off my bike again. It requires fixing now.
- I have been camping a few times this summer (more than last year anyway).
- I have still not registered for school. I gotsta get on that!
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thanks for the dedication - i do love me some lists. however, yours were missing a key ingredient.
lists require some sort of numbering/lettering system.
don't they?
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lists require some sort of numbering/lettering system.
don't they?
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