Monday, July 17, 2006

i survived camping 2006

Every year, Elisabeth, Denise and I go camping in some randomly selected camp ground in Manitoba or Saskatchewan. Usually this weekend ends up being a "gong show" (to echo the famous words of Elisabeth) and this particular weekend was no exception! There was our usual tarp set-up to which I had a *few suggestions* to make it work better, there was the usual male attention all weekend long, the usual fishing failures (well documented on Spinster and Lunatic) and this year we added a turtle to the mix.

This summer we went to Black Lake camp ground in Nopiming Park. There we meet some very *happy* men, not because of drink or drugs but just because they were happy. That seemed to be their biggest compliment to us, that we were happy people. Why did they thing we were so happy? Mostly because we were loud and laughing well into the night.

Swimming in the Canadian Shield had its pitfalls. This morning when I woke up, I examined my sore aching feet. It turns out that walking in the rocky waters of Tooth Lake cut up my feet more than I thought - what I thought was just a few bumps and bruises turned out to be quite a bit more with some cuts, swollen toes and a sore ankle. All in the name of fun! (And it was;)

Camping with the three of us seems to be an art of survival of sorts - not because we attempt dangerous acts, but all of us are accident proned, careless and some time a little too *happy* (with the drink) to take care of ourselves. By the end of the weekend, two of us had burns (I had several) and we were all sore. I think that in the future we might be wise to make commemorative T-shirts boasting our accomplishment of surviving our camping trips as the title implies.

For another version of the trip, check out Elisabeth's thoughts.

i forgot to add in my 'adventures' list the tarp set up, and denise trying to push me into the fire! shoot!

oh well.

denise left a note at my house this morning saying if we wanted to go camping again, to give her a call...

the real question is, can we survive two trips in one summer?
the answer is yes.
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