Wednesday, July 12, 2006

a day off

Hmmm. What to do with a day off? I have chosen not to go to work today but I will still be going to volunteer this evening. So I have from now until 3:30 to get done what needs to get done. This is always the challenge of a day off: do I use it to "get things done" or do I enjoy the day. It is sad to say that often the former wins at dictating how my day will go.

Today like most of my days off, I know I need to be task oriented; buy contact lenses (boring and stressful b/c of $$), make my Greenshield claims, clean house and shop/pack for camping. Not exactly fun.

If days off carried no responsibility here's how my day would go:
What do you do on your day off? Better yet, what would you like to do on your day off?

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