Tuesday, June 13, 2006
why i freak out

Well the dream journal is underway. I thought that this was going to be fun, but I am beginning to realize that there is probably a good reason I forget my dreams as soon as I start my day. My first dream I recorded was of my all time biggest phobia...spiders. Not the great dreams I thought I would record.
A quick run though some of my old texts in psychology revealed a wildly fascinating theory from Freud about phobias as he began to study them in the case study of little Hans and his phobia of being bitten by a white horse. Yes, as you have guess the name Freud cannot be found with out some seemingly crazy sexual cause - to Freud, phobias are linked anxieties to the egos insatiable and inappropriate desires. But I digress...
Back to dreams and spiders. Dreaming about spiders is ok, as long as I don't remember that I was dreaming about them. Now with the dream journal, I am reminded and faced with my fears. I have often thought about "curing" myself with a variety of behavior treatments such as systematic desenstization, where your fears are divided into an anxiety hierarchy; 10-15 stages or levels of increasing anxiety provoking situations involving the phobia. This would me I could create 10 steps of approaching or facing my phobia say from seeing a small spider outside as stage one, to the last stage of having a large hairy spider crawling on my body.
Fuck. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. It has been done by others in this way and throughout my undergrad degree, we studied this concept and it has great success rates...if you get the courage to even try it. I will stick with facing my fears in my dreams.
What is your irrational fear?
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i'm laughing out loud! my cousins and i had a conversation about the stupidity of msn-speak - all those short forms of phrases...
how can you be so afraid of spiders? you worked at camp for crying out loud. i'm sorry, i know phobias are irrational, and i do recall trying to do some behavior modification/desensitzation with you while camping one time, but you totally freaked out. as the title suggests.
my irrational fears -
1. having fat children
2. being a spinster cat lady (ok, this one is not so irrational)
3. fast rushing water over rocks (i'm afraid i'll fall in and die in one of the many ways they tell you about in 'swift water rescue safety training')
also, congrats about biking to work. that is great. are you going to keep doing it?
i'll call you later about wings. my thursday night game is pretty close to your house - at st vital park. you could come watch the end of the game and then we could go from there...?
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how can you be so afraid of spiders? you worked at camp for crying out loud. i'm sorry, i know phobias are irrational, and i do recall trying to do some behavior modification/desensitzation with you while camping one time, but you totally freaked out. as the title suggests.
my irrational fears -
1. having fat children
2. being a spinster cat lady (ok, this one is not so irrational)
3. fast rushing water over rocks (i'm afraid i'll fall in and die in one of the many ways they tell you about in 'swift water rescue safety training')
also, congrats about biking to work. that is great. are you going to keep doing it?
i'll call you later about wings. my thursday night game is pretty close to your house - at st vital park. you could come watch the end of the game and then we could go from there...?
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