Saturday, May 27, 2006
a quick sip in the morning

This is the reason I wake up in the morning; the sound of the coffee brewing, pouring the hot liquid in to my favourite mug, walking outside in the fresh morning air and taking that first sip of coffee! Heaven.
Although I do not possess the most state of the art brewing equipment, (I don't even grind my beans fresh each morning) some how I have been blessed with above adequate coffee each morning. The coffee gods definantly smile down on me each morning as I take my first wonderful sip of deep, rich, aromatic and sweet and creamy coffee. Like a great dark chocolate that has a hint of fruitiness to it, coffee such as this brings a quality of sweetness in the richness. No cream, no sugar required - in my opinion coffee is good when you get the creaminess and sweenets through the a perfect cup of black coffee. Don't believe me - I invite you over to my house Monday morning for a taste test!
[Photo taken from tonx at flickr. Click here to see more of this beautiful coffee art]