Friday, May 26, 2006
the first of many

I guess this is the first of many late night posts for me. Sleeping has been a love/hate relationship for me. Many nights (like the last two) I lay awake in bed thinking about anything other than sleep. What thoughts keep me up? The most common theme when I can't sleep is "mistakes I have made." All you counsellor folks out there know what I am talking about and I see you rubbing your hands in delight.
Spending alone time thinking about every wrong thought, lie, deception, inappropriate joke, and malicious action you have ever done does not put you in the mood for a sleep, but prime nightmare environment. Lately my punishment has been to dream that my teeth are being pulled out. What would Freud say about that?
Perhaps I just need this drug to help me - or the simple solution - stop with the reliving of all mistakes I have made. Sweet dreams!
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what kind of link is that about your dream? crazy!
sara jane, you are a kind person who never does anything to hurt other people intentionally. so get some sleep.
i hope that the reason you haven't slept for the past 2 nights isn't b/c you've been thinking about my party on monday.
i'm beginning to think that i'm the exception when it comes to thinking about what i have said to other people. i almost never lose sleep over my interactions with others, except in extreme cases.
maybe i'm the one who needs help
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sara jane, you are a kind person who never does anything to hurt other people intentionally. so get some sleep.
i hope that the reason you haven't slept for the past 2 nights isn't b/c you've been thinking about my party on monday.
i'm beginning to think that i'm the exception when it comes to thinking about what i have said to other people. i almost never lose sleep over my interactions with others, except in extreme cases.
maybe i'm the one who needs help
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