Thursday, October 26, 2006
time management

One of the biggest challenges a student can face is not necessarily passing all those exams, writing term papers or even a thesis. What I have found is the most difficult things a student can do, is practice great time management.
A lot of the work load (while it is a lot) can be managed, especially since *most* professors offer a syllabus providing detailed assignments and time frames for assignments. What makes it difficult is coordinating all your assignments, resisting the temptation to procrastinate, and set clear and reasonable guidelines for your schedule. It also takes some skill to know which extra-curricular priorities will improve your effectiveness (like a good dose of exercise) and which activities will hinder (Thursday night faculty socials). Like may graduate students, I am given lots of time off from school to do homework. I have two days (Thursday and Friday) completely off, no class nothing. Just a two whole days plus a whole weekend free to do homework, so getting this course work done should be a breeze right?
If I sound like I have mad time management skill, I don't. I procrastinate (as evident by this post), I work too much at a job that takes too much time away from my studies, and I putter around my house rather than completing my readings.
So how do you write that thesis in two years rather than six? How do you manage 3 group projects at once? How do you develop quality time management skills? Help me!